Reminder to slow down

Lately time has felt compressed. Hosting and entertaining over the holidays, then getting right back into work, has really taken a toll. I know I’m not the only one feeling this way. I think this time of year can be especially gruelling.

As the gate opens to the new year, we cross the threshold into these cold, short, dark days… taking the first steps into a new year on which we’ve placed ambitions, goals and ideas of achievement. And yet something about these early weeks of the new year feel particularly draining.

I, for one, have really struggled with sleep over the last few weeks. My normal routine was disrupted by the holiday festivities, and I’m also finding that I need a little more sleep than normal. The longer nights really make bed seem like the best place to be 😌

And it all seemed more tolerable when the periphery was decorated with twinkling lights, and holiday festivities were on the horizon.

I’m keeping my letter to you short this week. I felt the most useful thing I could share is a friendly reminder to slow down. Spend a little extra time in bed if you need it. Get some rest. We’re not much different than those creatures enjoying a little hibernation right now.

We’ve got the entire length of the year ahead of us. And longer days are on their way.

Rest well, dear friends.

If you’ve read this far, thank you. I really appreciate you being here with me.

If you enjoyed this, please subscribe to my Substack and share with your friends! I’ll write again next week with more insights on the state of the art.


Paths, not screens


Not difficult, but different